Thursday, 24 September 2015

Gun - X Machine 3

Code Name:      Gun - X3 (GX3)
Super form of:    G3 Elephant
Fighting Type:    Long Range
Combat Class:    Heavy Assault

The GX3 is the long-range ground tank of the robot formations.  Slow and not very powerful but can really take a beating.  Unlike other long-range characters, the GX3 doesn’t really provide support for others as it is hitting opponents with as many projectiles as possible.  Its attacks are slow, but quick to recover from making it possible to chain a lot of them together creating a full screen barrage of bullets.  The GX3 is also the only playable character in the game with a specialised “Parry”. Its lack of speed is really it’s only down side and because health and defence it can’t guard, but it doesn’t really need to evade enemy attacks.

Gun - X Machine 2

Code Name:      Gun - X2 (GX2)
Super form of:    G2 Cheetah
Fighting Type:    Mid Range
Combat Class:    Boxer 

The GX2 is the mid range brawler Mecha is the game. The weaker of the Super robot forms, but also the fastest player in the game.  Its attacks can either be super quick field control or slow focused overwhelming single damage.   
The GX2, like the GX1 also has a boost attack, simply by pressing the attack button a second time during an attack and holding it. What this does is remove a great deal of speed, but adding a great deal of knock back damage as the boosted attack extends his arms and power.  These attacks can’t be spammed and are slow to recover from so make the perfect end to a combo.

Gun - X Machine 1

Code Name:      Gun - X1 (GX1)
Super form of:    G1 Falcon
Fighting Type:    Close Range
Combat Class:    Weapon Wielder   

The GX1 is the flying close range damage dealer of the three mecha's.  It has the ability to boost and do boosted attacks, greatly increasing its speed making virtually invincible (only being stopped by beam/laser based attacks)  The Boosted attacks however are slow to recover from making it impossible to use multiple in quick succession for a combo. The GX1 can deliver very powerful blows but be left open for an attack after as it doesn’t have a blitz attack, because of this, this Mecha can be easy to use but hard to Master.